The complete resource for NICU families from admission to discharge and beyond

What food can my baby have this Thanksgiving?

                                                                                               Photo: Flickr, Matt Preston

NICU Real Life: Ethan's Story

About seven years ago, Julie Lockey Brown welcomed her youngest out of three children, Ethan, a few weeks too soon. Although a few weeks does not sound like it would make too much of a difference, it made a world of difference for Ethan. 

Pregnancy looks so glorious in celebrities, so it's easy to forget that even celebrities can have babies who need NICU help too. These celebrities can relate in terms of knowing what the NICU is like.

4 Things Every Baby Must Be Doing In Order To Leave the NICU

Your baby has been in the NICU now for what seems like forever, and s/he is seems to be doing everything they need to be in order to live a healthy life outside of the NICU. So, why are they still admitted to the NICU?

Prevention of meningococcal infection in the United States: Current recommendations and future considerations

(Journal of Adolescent Health, 07/22/2016)

Crib Bumpers Continue To Cause Infant Deaths: A Need For A New Preventive Approach

Scheers NJ, et al. – The authors assess whether clutter (comforters, blankets, pillows, toys) caused bumper deaths and provide an analysis of bumper–related incidents/injuries and their causal mechanisms. The effectiveness of public health recommendations, industry voluntary standard requirements, and the benefits of crib bumper use were not supported by the data. Study limitations include an undercount of CPSC–reported deaths, lack of denominator information, and voluntary incident reports.

Effect Of Zinc Supplementation On Early Outcome Of Neonatal Sepsis - A Randomized Controlled Trial

Newton B, et al. – The authors aimed to find the effect of zinc supplementation on the outcome of neonatal sepsis at one month of age. Zinc supplementation in neonates with sepsis improves the neurological status at one month of age although the mortality reduction was not statistically significant.

Does High Protein Intake During First Week of Life Improve Growth And Neurodevelopmental Outcome at 18 Months Corrected Age In Extremely Preterm Infants?

Buddhavarapu S, et al. – The authors aimed to examine whether high protein intake during the first week of life alters the growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes at 18 mo corrected age (CA) in preterm infants born < 29 wk. High protein intake during the first week of age was not associated with better growth or neurodevelopmental outcome at 18 mo CA in preterm infants.

Cerebral Palsy Among Children Born Moderately And Late Preterm

Hirvonen M, et al. – The authors aimed to compare the incidence of and risk factors for cerebral palsy (CP) in moderately preterm (MP) (32+0–33+6 weeks) and late preterm (LP) (34+0–36+6 weeks) infants with those in very preterm (VP) (<32+0 weeks) and term infants (≥37 weeks). The incidence of CP is higher in LP and MP infants compared with term infants. There is a nonlinear decrease in incidence over time and with increasing gestational age.


